
Case History

The osteopath will discuss your symptoms, their onset and any history of injuries or similar episodes of pain. Further information regarding your general health will then be required to ensure that there are no contraindications to treatment


Having discussed all the relevant health issues, an examination follows. You may be asked to remove some clothing (depending on the site of the injury) and you may wish to choose your own underclothing with this in mind. We do provide gowns and a changing area.

The osteopath will observe and check posture, joint movement and tissue quality. Further tests may be necessary such as checking reflexes to assess the nerve function.


Having taken your history and completed the examination, the osteopath will explain the diagnosis and expected speed of recovery. The treatment will then be tailored to the diagnosis, and may consist of stretching, massage, manipulation, ultrasound, acupuncture and/or exercise rehabilitation.

Our practitioners have different skills sets and areas of particular interest. If you feel that one particular approach has (or hasn't) worked well for you in the past please feel free to discuss this prior to your appointment so that we may signpost you to the best practitioner. 


To maximize your improvement, it is vital to follow your aftercare instructions closely. These may consist of exercises, rest, ice or heat. Some people feel temporary stiffness or discomfort for up to 48 hours aftertreatment. If this occurs, it is wise to keep gently mobile and warm. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the practice.



Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 8.30-6pm

Selected Saturdays, please call for availability, closed bank holidays.

Book an appointment
01747 851726
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